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Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense


A verb that refers to the present time is said to be in the Present Tense. 

Read the passage and note the verbs:

“Joseph Sekar, also known as the Birdman of Chennai, is a true inspiration for all of us. He wakes up every day at 4 am and spends five hours feeding almost 4000 birds, mostly parrots, on the terrace of his house. He not only serves them 70 kgs of rice but also washes it and serves it wet, so that his friends can have both food and water. Joseph spends more than 40% of his income feeding the birds and repairs cameras in the afternoon. His selfless act of kindness reminds us that
humanity is still alive and thriving”.

This story tells us about the routine of Joseph. It talks about the present. Now, we will see all the contexts where we use the simple present tense.


1. When something is done as a habit or routine or in due
course of things.

    I drink tea every morning.

    He leaves for office at 9 am.

2. When something happens as a natural phenomenon or is a universal truth.

    The sun rises in the east.

    Lemons taste sour.

3.To express a future event that is part of a fixed timetable or fixed programme.

    The train arrives at 5:30 pm.

    The sale ends next week.

4.In narratives as substitute for the simple past.

    The hare stops to take some rest but the tortoise continues walking.

    King Solomon orders a servant to open the windows.


Subject + Verb-1 + Remaining sentence

Subject + do not/does not + verb-1+ Remaining sentence

Do/does/don’t/doesn’t + Subject + Verb-1 + Remaining sentence?

Question word + Do/does/don’t/doesn’t + Subject + Verb-1?

Is/isn’t/are/aren’t + Subject+ Remaining sentence?

Subject is what we want to talk about. It may be a noun or a pronoun.

Noun is the name of a person, place, animal, thing, emotion, or a
profession. Eg.- Dipti, India, dog, table, happiness, tailor etc. 

A Pronoun is a word used instead of the noun. Eg.- He, she,they..

Verbs are words of action. They can be grouped as:

1. Action words: walk, run, talk, eat come, go, write, read, drink, drive, advise etc.

2. To-be verbs: is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being, must etc.

How the verb changes in present tense:

i)When the noun or pronoun is singular, the verb ends in ‘s’

Neha talks

He talks.

She talks.

Boy talks

ii)When the noun is plural and with I, you

Boys talk

I talk.

You talk.

We talk.

They talk.

Ravi and Neha talk.

Children talk.

Affirmative Sentences:

1.   Sachin plays cricket.

2.   Sachin and Anil play cricket.

3.   Neha goes to the market every day.

4.   Children make a lot of noise.

5.   Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra.

6.   Monkeys climb trees.

7.   The horse gallops on the race track.

8.   The books are our best friends.

9.   This chair is comfortable.

10.Failures lead to success.

11.Doctors take care of our health.

12.I like ice creams.

Negative Sentences:

Note that the verb is used in the base form (play, go etc.); don’t or doesn’t denote whether the subject is singular or plural.

1.   Sachin does not play cricket.

2.   Neha doesn’t go to the market everyday.

3.   We don’t meet often.

4.  She doesn’t have a bath every day.

5.  They don’t ask many questions.

6.   Ravi does not travel at night on the highway.

7.   She doesn’t respect her elders.

8.   Ravi doesn’t go to the gym twice a week.

9.   I don’t usually wake up at 8 oclock

10.We don’t go to the cinema too much.

11.We don’t enjoy the present if we carry the past baggage.

12.I don’t promise to buy you a new phone.

Interrogative Sentences: 

1.    Do you love pets?

2.    Does your uncle live in Hyderabad?

3.    Don’t you enjoy getting up early in the

4.    Does Ravi come on time every day?    

    5.    Does Neha discuss her problems with you?

6.    Doesn’t Ravi go to the gym twice in a week?

7.    Does Neha share everything with her friends?

8.    Does she work on important projects?

9.    Don’t the laws safeguard the rights of the

10. Don’t you listen to your parents?

11. Whom do you want?

12. When does he go to the gym?

13. Where do they come from?

14. Why don’t they talk?

15. Why is mummy angry?

16. What is your name?

17. Is he busy with his kids?

18. Are you ready?

19. Aren’t you late for school?

20. Isn’t he handsome?


Choose one word from each column and make 15 sentences:


 We play cricket.

They talk loudly.

He plays in the evening.













in the evening





Game Time:

Unscramble the
following sentences:

1.    the Mumbai capital of Maharashtra is

2.    Are at school your friends now?

3.    of invention is the mother Necessity.

4.    are the library Neha and Ravi in.

5.    He tea every morning drinks.

6.    in The sun rises the east.

7.    earth round the sun The revolves.

8.    his name forget I.

9.    Mahatma Gandhi of A portrait on wall hangs

10. flies The kite into the air.

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