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Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense We use simple future to talk about the future. Read the followingpassage and note that it is talking about a prediction. The Weather Forecast for Mumbai: “The past few days have been exceptionally hot, with temperatures rising over 35 degrees Celsius. The… Read More »Simple Future Tense

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense Read the passage During a management seminar, Mr. T.N. Seshan, former chief electioncommissioner, shared an experience he had while travelling inU.P. with his wife. As they were travelling by road, they saw amango plantation filled with sparrow nests. Mr. Seshan’s wife decided… Read More »Simple Past Tense

Rhetorical Devices

  Great writers and speakers use rhetorical devices to persuade their audience. These devices make arguments more compelling and create an emotional response in the listener or reader. You too can use them as tools to create emphasis and sway your audience. In this article,… Read More »Rhetorical Devices

perfect tenses

Perfect Tenses Present Perfect Tense Usage When an action completed in the immediate past or when an action that began at some in the past and continues up to the present moment, we use present perfect tense to describe it. Structure Subject + has/have +… Read More »perfect tenses